Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Final meet-up of the season just ahead!

Dear Guild members;
Our final guild meeting is coming up April 15. The session will be about spinning with fibres other than sheep wool.
So bring your samples of cashmere, angora, linen, etc. The more samples we have on hand to touch, smell, look at.... the better.
If you have a surplus of said fibres and would like to swap with someone else, I will have a scale available for measuring out amounts. Bring some extra plastic baggies and a marker.

I hope to see all you spinners. And the knitters are welcome to come and enjoy the fibres too!

 In this photo the three clear containers house angora ( bunny ) hair. Also the white fibre at top centre has some linen in it.

This is alpaca fibre from a friend's (also a guild member) animal. It is lovely to work with.

And this is a shot of my two Kromski spinning wheels. They no longer reside together. The upright went up to Canada and the big Norwegian stayed here. It's not that they didn't get along, I just wanted to have one excellent wheel at each home.